About Me.

Hello, folks. I don't really need to tell you much. Teaching is my career of choice, but I have loved taking pictures since I was in fifth grade. I love the art and the science of photography (of most things, actually), but the science plagues me. Seriously, how can light be so hard to balance? My goal is to capture people as they are, beautiful and full of life. I am a master of nothing except getting people to smile.

Other than that, here are some random facts about me.

1. I am fascinated by the way people work in community with each other. I am fascinated by the workings of the brain as well. I don't care so much about the biological side of life; I am tremendously intrigued by the psychological and sociological aspects of human interactions. I feel that if I ever choose to pursue a higher degree, it will have to be in one of these sciences. (However, I fear research, so I doubt it will ever happen. By fear, I mean…hate it with all of my being when I have to do it with restrictions on a deadline…and don’t love it enough to do it on my own when I am not forced.)

2. Major goal: write a book. I wish I could drip words onto a page that make people gasp or think for hours, rather than merely express some personal thoughts with correct grammar. Really ideal major goal: write and illustrate (with photography) a book.

3. I would like to marry a man who is a combination of Ishmael Beah (or just him), Jim from The Office, Bill from Freaks and Geeks, Agent Booth from Bones, and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. No pressure.

4. Although I LOVE watching live theater, whenever I do so, I inevitably feel a bit melancholy. In the same way that I get a strange longing for college when I am on college campuses, I always dream of being on stage whenever I see a play. In the same way that I dream of writing a book, I have no justifiable reason for such a wish. I have seen limited audiences from the viewpoint of a character, and I have received no encouragement that I could ever be successful in writing; yet, I feel both are an intrinsic part of who I am, a part that has yet to be fully discovered.

5. Someday, I will go to Africa. While I am there, I wouldn’t mind riding an elephant.

That's good for now.