Thursday, May 16, 2013


Four senior shoots in four days.
We started this adventure in the fall, but Sarah was one of my hard drive casualties. Patiently, she has waited until tonight to finish her pictures, and let me just say, it was QUITE eventful. A blown-out tire. A toothless man on a bicycle who wanted to be in the pictures. Romping in a fountain. Changing in a parking lot. Tonight was pretty hilarious, and I am really happy with the pictures. Go make those graduation invites now, okay!

Yeah, this happened.

This could be one of my favorite senior shots EVER.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The strange phenomenon is that Josh and I haven't actually talked to each other that much while he has been in high school, but I feel like we are kindred spirits in a way, at least based on our television choices. Tonight, we talked about leadership, about making an impact, and I know that he will do just that as he heads off to Purdue. (Sometimes, the real leaders are those doing the work when the loud people go to sleep.) He wasn't looking forward to smiling at a camera for two hours, but things have a way of working out, and here are a few early favorites.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The world is not ready for Matt to enter into it, but in just a short time, he will be on his way to Indiana State. I have always appreciated Matt's easy-going personality matched with his sense of humor, and he was quite the trooper through all of the pictures. Here are a few of my early favorites.

Monday, May 13, 2013


Hello, blogiverse. It's been a while. I have an abundance of pictures yet to take considering whay day it is, so these posts will be brief. While I was away, I, you know, lost 60,000 pictures or so, but we shall overcome! Here is Annie, the Belle of the Ball. I took 646 pictures tonight, so yeah...a few will do.

I did actually take some vertical shots that were not in the bottom lefthand corner and tilted. I promise.

It's a dream.

Why WOULDN'T you pose in front of a giant mole/rat?