Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Who knew that people read my little introductions each time I post? I didn't even know for sure. Let's see. Jasmine is my second spring senior, and we had a blast shooting around Franklin. I'd like to give Jasmine three awards: Best Mustache (you'll see), Biggest Fan, and (with her mom's help) "The Cutest Person I've Ever Photographed." Enjoy these to start; click on them to get a clear image!

I didn't think these worked, but I LOVE this one.

Hello, beautiful!

You have no idea how happy this made me.

Something tells me your mama is going to love this one.

I tried a filter, but it's a bit too yellow. I will get it right...eventually.

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Happy Spring to you! As the class of 2012 nears graduation, I have a few more people to shoot. Here is just a SMALL sample from Allison's session. You will notice (as did I upon first meeting her minutes before we starting taking pictures) that she is spunky and adorable, and years of watching ANTM have paid off.(If they look blurry, click on the image.) More coming soon!