Monday, May 30, 2011


Corey is my first "client" from the class of 2012; however, these aren't really senior pictures. Corey is going to try modeling, and she needed some pictures for her portfolio! (Her mom said she needed fewer smiling pictures, but Corey "wanted to do both!") I was honored to take them and wish her the best of luck!


Okay, so Mike didn't want standard senior pics. This was a bit of a challenge for me, but we prevailed nonetheless. He will probably edit them and make them look even better.


Abby is (or at least could be) the poster child for Indiana girls. :) I could not help but love the basketball as a prop and the great smile to boot.


Despite much rescheduling, I finally had the joy of taking Jordan's pics. Pretty much hot, right? :)


Ni is such a natural beauty, inside and out! I am glad we squeezed her pictures in between all the rain!